- Purple flags represent CNG stations. Yellow flags denote hydrogen stations.
- This route planner will find you the best feasible path between two points for your CNG or hydrogen vehicle so that you do not run out of fuel en route.
- This route planner is a prototype intended for research and demonstration purposes only. It is not actively maintained and the set of stations are not checked or updated. To run the prototype, you must first click the box to acknowledge that the data are not updated and you agree not to hold the researchers who developed this prototype or their employers liable for any damages caused by use of this prototype for any reasons whatsoever.
- This research prototype is currently limited to use for only two alternative fuels.
- For compressed natural gas (CNG), the stations were current as of 4/16/2013.
- For hydrogen, the stations were current as of 1/15/2014. Because there were only 10 hydrogen stations open to the public at that time, our prototype includes an option to Include Private Stations for Hydrogen, which increases the number of possible stations to 53. These private stations can be included to test the capabilities of the routing prototype with more hydrogen stations, and are not meant for anyone to attempt to refuel at the private stations.
- To check on current station availability, go to the Alternative Fuels Data Center.
- The intent of this type of routing tool is that users would enter a hypothetical driving range lower than the maximum technical specifications of their AFV to allow a margin of safety due to hills, closed stations, incomplete fill-ups, reduced fuel efficiency, detours, side trips, congestion, weather, or other factors.
- If one leg of the route seems to exceed the range, an alternate shorter route exists but is not displayed by Google. This is being worked on.
- This could take up to 60 seconds, so please be patient.